Vatican II Directory Page

This page is a repository of documents and videos related to the Vatican II study group. Click on any of the blocks below to access the document.

LUMEN GENTIUM – November 21, 1964
NOSTRA AETATE – October 28, 1965
Sacrosanctum Concilium – December 4, 1963
Dei Verbum – November 18, 1965
Solemn Opening of the Second Vatican Council – October 11, 1962
Video – Vatican II Timeline Discussion on December 11, 2022
Vatican II Timeline Comments


Pope Pius X restored general widespread communion by the faithful

Many protestants received the holy spirit in gifs of prophesy, healing, praying in tongues:  the beginning of Pentecostalism

Ecumenical community founded in Taize’ France

My grandpa’s Catholic Church had a special elevated canopy podium for gospel reading and homilies, it was a structure with stairs- the priest would look out and down on the congregation.


Benedictions with layers of priestly garb

Catholic Action for youth

You knew a pries at site because of the cassock and beret

Baltimore Catechism was memorized wrote learning – no deep understanding as to how to defend or explain your faith

Read and study Baltimore catechism- NOT the bible

Church bells calls faithful to Mass

Don’t attend other church services -even for your cousin’s wedding

Don’t go to WMCA to swim, etc.

Home May altars

Prayers and responses at Mass were between priest and servers only

(2) Indulgences: ejaculations: JMJ: scapulars, metals, relics, and holy cards

Older parishioners praying the rosary during Mass

Church festivals raffling wheelbarrows of booze

(2) Head coverings and gloves: more than style of the times

Great respect for religious

Emphasis on church rules and less on  Jesus “Good News”

We prayed for conversion of Russia

Everyone genuflected

In 1946 because my father was non-Catholic, our local priest would only allow their marriage outside the communion rail! !  in an unlit, heated church

(3)Contributing a dime each week in the collection

(2) Only boys could be servers

(2)Women had to wear hats,  Kleenex in a pinch, and no sleeveless blouses,

(2) Saying the Gregorian Mass

Hot chocolate and graham crackers after first Friday Mass and confession

Over devotion to Mary

(2) Donating for pagan babies

All non-Catholics were doomed to hell

(2) Communion rail

Catholic school gave instruction for Catholic living

Holy Communion received on the tongue- given by priest

Baptism in the spirit received in many mainline Protestant churches

(4) 13 hours fasting


No divorce!

(2) High Masses

Restoration of Easter Triduum by Pope Pius XII?

Baptized in private services

(3) Kids and adults dressed up for any liturgy

Servers had more responsibilities in liturgies

In 1959 my twin sister married a man from Minnesota.  Stationed in the army Redmond.  The wedding was at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Bellevue.  The day before the wedding we were told I could not be the best man because I was not a Catholic (Lutheran).  Saturday Morning the church accepted me as best man.

(2) Fasting waiting one hour before communion (is this after Vatican II?)

(2) Also 3 hours fasting before receiving

(2) Latin everything – not knowing what we were praying and singing

(2) Fasting after midnight

Could not attend services in protestant church!

(4) Meatless Fridays

Girls had to learn Latin but could not serve

There was a long line at the confessional

Catholics went to confession more often

Became an altar boy and had to memorize the Latin Mass

Priest faced crucifix. moving book from one side of altar to the other to signify change

Preaching the gospel to the “pagans” from the north side of the altar.

H.S. lively music but no depth to meanings

Communion rail gone  (post Vatican?)

I remember visiting my grandfather’s church- there was a linen cloth on the rail that you slipped your praying hands under.

(3)Priest faced altar with back to us.  Faced liturgical east (where Chi-Roe rose)

(2)Rules, Rules, Rules!

(5) Only Catholics can be saved!

Read your Bible! Gospel discussion in 8th grade class every Friday.

(4) My friends were afraid they would go to hell if they didn’t go to Mass.  They would not eat meat on Friday

More reverence in Liturgies


Pope Jon XXIII invites Catholics worldwide to pray in preparation for Vatican II,:  “renew your wonders in this our day”’  I placed this prayer given to all parishioners, on my kitchen window sill and prayed it daily the year before Vatican II,

I remember the fight over Latin for Mass

I love the Mass in English! But I also appreciate the Latin, especially  when traveling out of the U. S.

Changed the name of Extremunction to Sacrament of the Sick

New bibles like  The Way

Studied in H. S. need to learn a lot more as an adult

Graduated from a Catholic College. Glad to hear Mass in English!

At 7 years old, I remember being confused when the Latin Mass was changed to English.  I also remember how exciting it was to choose a new veil for Mass each year when I was 6-9 years old.

Religious sisters dropped their habits and reviewed the mission of their founders. I don’t know about priest orders.

Latin Mass began to end

(2) Priest faced people in 1966

(2) Catholic H. S, priest: some still very formal, some younger became informal.

Older parishioners felt there was not enough explanation of changes.

(2) 1963-64 Start of bible studies and pray meeting in Catholic parishes

1967 February:  Duquesne weekend.  Students and professors on retreat experienced the grace of baptism in the spirit.  News spread quickly among Catholics across country and world.

New translation of the Sacramentary by international committee of English in the Liturgy-New lectionary for 2 year cycle for daily Mass and 3 year cycle for Sunday Mass.


Truly accepted Jesus as my savior! A rare Christian Catholic!

Gifts are brought up by parishioners, what did we do before?

(2) Blossom of folkish music

(3) Introduced contemporary music and Guitar masses

Too much music- miss Latin Mass

(3) Priest faces us now!

Prayer groups, renewal centers, nation service committee, international office of charismatic renewal formed.

Priests, other religious left their roles in the church, number of kids going to seminary from H. S . declined dramatically.

New architecture for churches

New instructions for parents of infants for Baptism

(2) Hunthausen allows girl servers

Group concessions vs. individual confession

Pre-Cana Marriage prep, Marriage encounter.

Hearing about VAT II from parents

Nuns and priests start wearing lay clothing, no habits!

1976 Charismatic renewal flows into the Catholic Church

1977 ecumenical Charismatic Conference in Kansas City.  50 thousand delegates

1973 Pope Paul VI addressed first international conference for leaders of the renewal.

1975  Pope Paul VI celebrated Mass with 13,000 delegates to the International Charismatic Conference in Rome.

Worship spaces cleaned up-no extras-candelabras, statues of angels and saints went to basement. Less ornamentation – more contemporary

Encouraged to read Bible, Bible study

Introduction of new words in vintage prayers

Eucharistic ministers

Confession, penance, reconciliation, communal penance service

Ecumenism, acceptance of other Christian religions and beyond to non-Christian religions,

I adore St. John Paul II,  he reminds me of my father


JPII begins

1982 Communion reception in hand and with both species

Prayer groups, charismatic

(2) Community Baptisms with assembly

The church encouraged to work with other churches/religions

1985 Bishops convocation learns scope of pedophilia crisis


Invited to the altar at small Mass gatherings Newman Center

Infant Baptism witnessed by congregation during Mass

Catechumen visible in church,  We witness their journey and accompany as sponsors

Kids religious books -fluffy self esteem

1998 Year of the Holy spirit in preparation for the Jubilee year of 2000.  Pope John Paul II invited ecclesial movements including charismatic renewal to Rome on eve of Pentecost. Over 500,000 responded.


(3) Year of Jubilee celebrated by Pope John Paul II

2004 Pope John Paul II:  “thanks to the charismatic movement many have rediscovered Pentecost as a living and present reality in their daily life.”

Gays accepted by the church

2006: Communal penance in Illinois church was bursting with folks.  Each came forward and confessed one sin  to priest and was forgiven everything.

2005 Pope Benedict XVI

2006: Pope Benedict gathered the movements and new communities to Rome on the eve Pentecost.

2009 over 150 million Catholics received the grace of baptism in the Holy Spirit through Charismatic renewal.

Be stout hearted, never stop praying


2013:  Pope Francis elected

2014 Pope Francis addresses 50,000 delegates to the 37th national convocation of “Renewal in the Spirit”

2017 Golden Jubilee of Catholic Charismatic renewal.  Pope Francis invited all to celebrate Pentecost in Rome

Changed some of the prayers (the Creed) at Mass.


Pope Francis makes Latin Mass ruling for special occasions only.


1948- Kathy born

(2) 1940’s Baptized

(3) 1950 Baptized

Born in 1953

Baptized in 1950’s at St. Josheph Catholic curch in Rotan TX

1950s- was an Acolite: episcable

Attended CCD- not cathoic school

1965 ordained a preis at St. Francis Parish Seattle

1068-grauated from H.S.

Mid 60s  I joined St. Hubert Parish

(2) 1965 Cursillo movement began in Spain and spread across. U.S.

1970 Married!

1970s Graduated from Holy Names

1970s conferted to Catholic faith

1970s married at Newnan Center

1982 on Parish council at St. Mary’s Aberdeen

1990s taught RCIA, main theology, later became spiritual director

1998 on Parish Council at St. Leo in Tacoma

2005 Moved to ST. Hubert

2010 converted

2016 converted