Laudato Si Week

Five years ago, Pope Francis published the encyclical Laudato Si. It opened the conversation about care for creation for all people of faith. Around the world, across many faith communities, and throughout most dioceses the People of God are talking about why and how we thank God for the gift of this beautiful world. 

The encyclical itself is beautiful, rich with information and ideas to ponder. We have a summary on our website that includes two beautiful prayers. Click here to find it. Consider praying the well-known and loved Canticle of the Creatures by St. Francis of Assisi. For 800 years, he has inspired care for all of God’s creation.

Over the last two months, as people around the world are staying more at home, we see cleaner air, hear the songbirds, and notice less congestion on our roads. This pandemic can teach us a lot and can draw out of us insight and understanding about how to respond more lovingly to what God has given us. 

Let’s celebrate the 5th anniversary of an historic publication!