
Dear Parishioners, we are currently updating and renewing our website. Please be patient with us and let us know if you encounter any issues.
St. Hubert Parish Office Staff


“There is nothing in the world so much like prayer as music is.”
William P. Merrill

If you are interested in one of the music ministries, contact the choir director Cleveland Riley at stewardship@sthubertchurch.org.


Cantors are the leaders of sung prayer during Mass. More than just soloists, cantors guide us in actively joining the celebration with our voices. Thus, the cantor’s role is both musical and liturgical.


The Choir Ministry expresses joy and reverence through singing. When singing during the celebration of Mass, we are reminded of the saying, “One who sings prays twice.” 

Children’s Choir

What a joy it is to listen to young voices raised in song and praise. Encourage your children to consider joining our choir.


Music is an integral part of Catholic worship and liturgy. If you are an instrumentalist, consider offering your gift of music in celebration at St. Hubert.