St. Hubert offers an RCIA (Rite of Initiation of Adults) program for unbaptized individuals interested in exploring the Catholic faith, as well as for baptized Christians seeking other Sacraments to attain full communion with the Church.
Consider these opportunities to participate in this ministry.
- Sponsoring a catechumen
- Sharing the faith by discussing the Gospel readings with the Catechumens during Mass dismissal
Who Can Be a Sponsor?
According to the Code of Canon Law (893, 874), a sponsor must meet the following criteria:
- Be a practicing Catholic in good standing with the Church
- Be at least 16 years of age
- Have been confirmed
- Have received the Sacrament of the Eucharist
- Lead a life of faith
What Are the Responsibilities of a Sponsor?
The responsibilities of a sponsor include:
- Praying for the candidate
- Attending the following events:
- Assigned classes with the candidate
- Day Retreat
- Confirmation rehearsal
- Confirmation Mass
- Assisting with the further formation of the candidate, especially through shared prayer, reading, and discussions
If you want to volunteer for RCIA and share your faith, please email or call 360-221-7744.