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Islam 101 – our extraordinary opportunity to learn

On Wednesday, May 24, St. Hubert welcomed Imam Jamal Rahman for two presentations covering the basics of Islam. A total of 93 people attended, some 50 in the afternoon session and 43 in the evening.
Jamal told the story of Mohammed and the revealing of the Q’uran, the Sunni/Shia division within Islam that happened following Mohammed’s death, and how the wisdom tradition developed that informs daily decision making. He explained that Islam is the religion and that Muslim is the word for a believer. In about two hours, Jamal presented an overview of main themes of both theology and practice spanning the 1300 years since Mohammed. It is a tradition filled with human insights and human conflicts.

The questions asked generally reflected the interest of people to understand more. It was clear that many are confused by what they read in the public media and wish to hear from credible sources. During and following, attendees spoke about Jamal’s manner and acceptance of others’ beliefs even when challenged by disrespectful questions and comments.

Multiple times, Jamal reiterated that we are called to be the best person we can be. That can be Muslim, Jew, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu or other. He made it clear that the rich tradition of Islam is loving and supportive of other ways to find healing and wholeness. For Catholics, with our deep devotion to Mary, it was especially interesting to know that Mary is spoken about more in the Q’uran than in the Bible.

Jamal Rahman is co-founder Muslim Sufi minister at Seattle’s the Interfaith Community Sanctuary and adjunct faculty at Seattle University. He is one of three Interfaith Amigos (along with Rabbi Ted Falcon and Pastor Don MacKenzie), an active spokesman for respectful interfaith dialogue and the joy of working together.

Most who attended came from outside the St. Hubert parish community. It was a wonderful opportunity to share together an interest in learning more about another faith tradition.
To learn more, please go to www.Interfaithcommunitysanctuary.org or www.jamalrahman.com or www.interfaithamigos.com