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St. Hubert Parish Office Staff

Prayer for Migrant and Refugees

Lord Jesus, when you multiplied the loaves and fishes, you provided more than food for the body, you offered us the gift of yourself, the gift which satisfies every hunger and quenches every thirst!  Your disciples were filled with fear and doubt, but you poured out your love and compassion on the migrant crowd, welcoming them as brothers and sisters.

Lord Jesus, today you call us to welcome the members of God’s family who come to our land to escape oppression, poverty, persecution, violence, and war.  Like your disciples, we too are filled with fear and doubt and even suspicion.  We build barriers in our hearts and in our minds

Lord Jesus, help us by your grace,

  • To banish fear from our hearts;
  • To welcome migrants and refugees with joy and generosity;
  • To learn the ways of peace and justice;
  • To share our abundance;
  • To give witness to your love for all people.

We praise you and thank you for the whole human family that reflects the one Most Holy Trinity in whom we make our prayer:  Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
