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Synodal Process


In 1965, Pope Paul VI established a permanent Synod of Bishops to advise the Pope. His goal was to provide a formal means for bishops around the world to collaborate on important faith and church matters. That collaboration included the Bishop of Rome, otherwise known as the Pope. In fact, that kind of collaboration had been going on throughout church history, often informally, as people of faith shared perspectives on what they understood the Holy Spirit was calling the church to do. With the motu propio Apostolico Sollcitudo, Pope Paul VI formally established that process of bishops collaborating. 

Both John Paul II and Benedict XVI called synods at various times during their papacies to look at important topics. Some examples are the Consecrated Life and its Role in the Church and in the World; the Word of God in the Life and Mission of the Church; and synods to look at local regions in the world. Pope Francis has called synods to look at Marriage and Family, new paths to Evangelization, and more.

In 2018, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith approved a comprehensive study of Synodality in the Life and Mission of the Church done by the International Theological Commission. In that work, the role of the synod in the healthy life of the church was expanded to include all the People of God. Building on that study, Pope Francis called for a synod of Bishops to consider the ‘great opportunity for pastoral conversion’ that would invite all the faithful to participate. This Synod on Synodality is scheduled for October 2023.

To help the Bishops prepare for the October 2023 Synod, Pope Francis encouraged Bishops around the world to ask people in their dioceses to give their opinions and perspectives on what the Holy Spirit is calling them to do. 

Our opinions matter! 

The following information will help you learn more about the concept of synod and synodal process. Following the Frequently Asked Questions is a pdf that contains a two-page summary of what St. Hubert Parishioners had to say and an Addendum, which is the original questionnaire. As we continue through the Synodal Process, new information will be posted on this page.



Basically, walking together. The concept of synodality recognizes that we each can offer insights to help our faith community be stronger and more connected to the teachings of Jesus and the words/concepts of sacred Scripture. As we walk together, we help others and we let them help us.


By listening to one another. By sharing our insights and understanding of what it means to live a faith-filled life. By respecting the diversity of ways that the Holy Spirit speaks.


The whole range of how our Church’s teachings can be lived better in today’s world. More specific questions include how can we live our faith better; how can we show our beliefs in our daily actions; how can we be visible witnesses of God’s love to our neighbors and communities. 


Not new, but more like reclaimed from the early centuries of Christian life. The first followers of Jesus gathered regularly to share ideas and insights. They were actively trying to make sense of their experiences of Jesus, his life and death, his Resurrection, and their experience of the Holy Spirit coming to them. In the last centuries, the laity have been more likely to defer to priests and bishops for answers. The synodal process reminds us that we, through our Baptism, are called to life in faith and we can help one another.

The pdf above is the report that was submitted to the Archdiocese of Seattle.

For even more detailed results of our Synod Listening Sessions at St. Hubert, click here to read the verbatim comments.

The downloadable and printable pdf below is a bibliography with links to articles that will provide more insight and perspectives on the Synodal Process.