2ND READING: HEBREWS 11:1-2, 8,19
GOSPEL LUKE 12:32-48
Seasons change and our plans anticipate that change. Fall is coming. Autumn is just around the corner. I am particularly distracted in the season of my upcoming retirement. Talk about trying to prepare!
Parents are now preparing for the upcoming school year. The buying of new school clothes for the kids and all that stuff they need for classes. Children are starting to dread the loss of vacation time. Business people are starting to make plans for the upcoming holiday season. Farmers are preparing for the fall harvest. We all look ahead, to plan, anticipate what is coming up in our lives. It is a part of our culture and our very being. The reading today from the gospel of Luke tends to shake us out of our summer doldrums. Like the voice in our heads that remind us fall is coming. Just as we anticipate the Fall, we anticipate the coming of the Lord.
We prepare and look ahead for many things. We prepare and get ready. Take a look at how we prepare for the Fall; the gathering of canning jars that will contain the bounty of the garden. We look forward and prepare for school time and some parents look forward to the time alone after a busy summer of friends and children. “Well deserved I might add!
Some look forward to that last bit of vacation and those who start planning and preparing to flock to warmer climates for the winter. Children are looking forward to meeting new friends and reuniting with old ones and the learning of new things. Some kids are looking forward to Halloween, and big kids like me, where we dress up in scary costumes and costumes of other characters.
Al in all, we are always preparing. However, in this time of the world -wide web, we find apps that show us how to prepare and to accomplish things; how to can our fruits and veggies, how to make costumes for Halloween.
Shouldn’t we do the same for our faith? After all, the Church is constantly preparing for what is coming, those things that help us on our journey of faith. However, we tend to fear just enough to keep us abate of what we do not understand. So, what is Faith? Faith is the surety of what we hope for and certain of what we cannot see!
This is how we keep our spiritual house in preparedness for what is to come. Faith is deep within us when we are in a state of grace, a state we find ourselves in when we stay prepared. What does this take? How do we prepare and anticipate with hope for the future? We stay in constant contact with the Father. Just think, He is always trying to contact us! This reminds me of a cute story:
A wealthy American was being shown around the Vatican and as the Pope was in Castel Gandolfo, the papal residence, he was taken into the Pope’s private apartment. In the Pontiff’s desk he noticed a golden telephone and was told that it was a direct line to God. When he asked if he could use it, he was told that it would cost him a half million dollars. Needless to say he did not make the call.
He stopped in Ireland on his way back to America and visited the parish where his ancestors came from. He stopped by the pastor to check the parish registers and while there he noticed that the pastor also had a golden telephone on his desk. Again he was told that it was a direct line to God and when he asked how much a call would cost he was told “12 pennies for three minutes.” The stunned American said “they wanted to charge me a half million dollars at the Vatican.”
“Yes”, said the priest. “But over here it is just a local call”. If it were only that easy? Well, it really is. In fact, over here it does not cost a cent and you can talk as long as you want.
MAKE THE CALL—Hello, God! How are you today? I need some help. I have had a rough day. So many things have happened. I have a sick friend I would like for you to take care of and to make better. At work I really got frustrated with a co-worker that takes you name in vain. Help me to say the right thing to him, please. I got real mad at a driver on the way home from work who was going 30 in a 55 mile-an-hour speed limit. Please forgive me for the words I used.
I know what you are going to tell me-I should have reached out to you all day long especially when I found myself in a bad situation. O.K. God. That’s all I have for now. I know you have answered me and I thank you for listening. Have a great rest of the day and I will talk with you tonight before I go to bed. Goodbye God. HANG-UP!
This might seem a little simplistic but it doesn’t have to be complex. In our first reading from Wisdom Israel’s readiness for God’s decisive action in the Exodus was upheld. God was there for them and always was. Israel placed their trust in God’s promise of a land filled with milk and honey, the land of Canaan. God was there for them through their journey.
Were their times when they strayed, of course! Just like the times we have strayed away. But the lesson today is: be prepared, constantly call upon Him to be with you and he will be there. The second reading today from Hebrews continues this theme of preparedness and how we do this. What do we hear, “By Faith!” This passage says, “Faith is the realization of what is hoped for and evidence of things not seen.” The lesson I feel is this: Faith will keep us prepared-along with much more.
We need to live a life of faith. Taking care of one another, receiving the sacraments regularly, especially reconciliation and the receiving of the Eucharist. Being in the presence of Jesus at Adoration is another way but seems to be the opportunity least utilized. Jesus is only asking for I hour a month yet sometimes there is no one with Jesus. Going to Mass every Sunday and on Holy days are necessities if we are to stay prepared.
Jesus is ready to give us the kingdom. He says so in our gospel today. What are we afraid of? There should be no fear. Jesus is saying to all of us, “Be prepared, tighten your belts and open your eyes, gird your loins and light your lamps, get ready for I will come!
Our Church gives us everything we need to be ready, to prepare for who is to come. Call upon God daily and he will change your lives forever opening up for us the kingdom which by the way is on this earth as well as in heaven. “They kingdom come they will be done, on earth as it is in heaven”. I believe He is always ready for our call.
PICK UP PHONE; DIAL; Hello Again. I just wanted to say thank you for all you have given me today. I thank you for all the love and your promise to be with me. I thank you especially for your son who has shown me the way to you and has shown that hope is eternal. I will definitely call upon you in the morning when I wake up to ask for strength and courage for the day. Talk with you tomorrow. Oh, by the way God, I love you. Good Night!