Mass Times & Services

NOTE: Sunday Mass Is live-streamed on the parish Facebook page.

Please take note of the following schedule for our church services:

– Saturday Vigil Mass Time: 5:00 pm – Please note that this service will not be recorded or live-streamed.

– Sunday Mass Time: 9:00 am –Live-streamed on Facebook.

– Communion Service: Monday, Tuesday, and Friday at 9:00 am. Wednesday at 10:30am

– Reconciliation: 4:00 pm – Saturday or by appointment.

– Communion for the Homebound: For those unable to attend the church, please call the parish office at @360-221-5383 to have someone bring communion to your home.

Please note that there is no specific dress code for our church services.

We invite you to join us for fellowship after Sunday Mass in Read Hall. A rotating schedule of ministries will provide refreshments. On the first Sunday, the Living Light Prayer group will provide refreshments. On the second Sunday, refreshments will be provided by the Clark, Knackstedt, Thompson, and Crane families. On the third Sunday, WOSH will provide refreshments, and Faith Formation and Outreach will provide refreshments on the fourth Sunday.

When there is a fifth Sunday in a month, the Knights of Columbus will host a pancake breakfast.